Rodent Control Tips Worth Trying

Seeing that you have rodent control issues is cause for concern. The presence of pests on a property can lead to problems like destruction of gardens, damage to interior structures and even allergic reactions. If you're attempting to cope with such situations, here are some rodent control tips worth following.

Is the Problem Rodents?

The first thing you want to consider is whether the issue is rodent-specific. For example, you might see signs of sawdust that make you think something is gnawing at the wood in your house. Rodents tend to mess with other materials, too, often mixing them into materials to create nests. They also leave pellet-like droppings. If all you see is sawdust, you may be dealing with something like termites or ants. If the only thing you see is materials without sawdust, you might be dealing with birds.

Finding and Closing Holes

Rodents often leave holes that are between one and 1.5 inches in both walls and the ground. If you see any evidence of such structural holes, check the area around them for important safety issues, such as electrical wires. When you've established there's nothing near the hole to protect, you can then fill it with inflating foam.

It's also a good idea to look for things like loose siding or shingles. Rodents may go under a loose bit of siding to make a hole, and that can present challenges in finding these problem areas. You also can add wire mesh in spots like chimneys or air vents that have to maintain air flow. A rodent control services technician will tell you to check for gaps around spots where electrical and plumbing lines go in and out of your house, too.

Reducing Temptations

Rodents are generally attracted to properties for either food or shelter. Eliminating potential sources of both can discourage their presence. On the food side, try to put as much of the stored food in your house in containers that are fully sealed. Also, make a point to get waste to outdoor dumpsters and garbage cans as quickly as possible. On the shelter side, go through your house and yard to find spots that rodents like. For example, thick vegetation and firewood stacks often look like great places for a nest.

Natural Remedies

Deploying mothballs, ammonia and peppermint are commonly recommended solutions to pest control. Some people also grow mint plants in their gardens to serve as rodent repellents.

If you're still dealing with rodent problems in your home and want professional help, call a pest control company like Agricultural Pest Control Services for more information.

About Me

Controlling Pets Indoors

Although it might seem easy to keep bugs from infiltrating your home, it is easier said than done. I have always been a stickler for cleanliness, but months ago I realized that there were some serious issues with our house. We started realizing that the paint was bubbling in some places and the floors were exceptionally squeaky, so we started doing a little digging to discover the source of the issue. We realized that we had termites, so we turned to a team for help. They came through, explained the tenting process, and got started. Find out more about pest control on this website.



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