Preparing For Bed Bug Extermination: Three Steps To Get Your Home Ready

Having bedbugs can be a nightmare, but a great bed bug service can help you get rid of the problem. Before the exterminators arrive, there are some steps you should take to prepare for this project. Use the following tips to help ensure a smooth transition into a home that's free from pesky bed bugs.

Clear Out Closets, Drawers, And Cabinets

Bed bugs can lurk in even the tiniest corners of your home, and the exterminators will need to treat everywhere. This includes inside of dresser drawers, closets, and cabinets. Remove all of your fabrics and launder them before the service begins. You should put all clothing, linens, and towels in plastic bags and sealed containers after they are clean to prevent the bed bugs from re-infesting. If possible, place these items in the garage or somewhere away from the home for an added layer of protection. Stuffed animals and other soft items from your children's rooms should be treated in the same manner, though you may choose to discard some of those that can't be washed.

Move And Inspect Your Furniture

Some furniture, such as tables, dressers, and desks, should be fine to keep in your home even with a bed bug problem. Consider vacuuming drawers and cabinets to remove any dead bed bugs that might be inside. You can wrap your furniture in plastic after it's been cleaned to create a barrier against the insects. For upholstered furniture, make sure to remove all cushions and wash any removable covers. Vacuum between the cushions and in any crevices where the bed bugs might be hiding. Your exterminators may be able to treat your sofas, chairs, and other furnishings, but be sure to discuss your options with them in advance. In some cases, you may decide to dispose of your mattress and any other items that might be heavily infested. Place any furniture you are keeping in the center of each room. Ask your bed bug service about where to place large area rugs that can't be placed in the washing machine. Any furniture that will be disposed of should be taken outside and marked as unusable.

Contain The Kitchen

You'll want to make sure to protect your food and kitchenware during the treatment process. Pantry items can be stored in plastic bins with tight-fitting lids, though you may want to put boxed or bagged items in zippered plastic bags first for an added barrier against the chemicals being used. Box up dishes, plates, glasses, and cookware for the same reasons. Be sure to clean out your microwave, oven, and all cabinets. Perishable items can be placed in zippered food storage bags and smaller food storage containers and left inside the refrigerator. To learn more, contact a bed bug extermination company. 

About Me

Controlling Pets Indoors

Although it might seem easy to keep bugs from infiltrating your home, it is easier said than done. I have always been a stickler for cleanliness, but months ago I realized that there were some serious issues with our house. We started realizing that the paint was bubbling in some places and the floors were exceptionally squeaky, so we started doing a little digging to discover the source of the issue. We realized that we had termites, so we turned to a team for help. They came through, explained the tenting process, and got started. Find out more about pest control on this website.



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