Things A Pest Control Professional Might Do To Get Rid Of Insect Pests In Your House

If you've been seeing more bugs than usual in your home, it's probably time to call a pest control company. Bugs often hide between the walls, under the refrigerator, or in the basement so you don't see them very often. Plus, some bugs tend to be more active at night when you may not be awake.

If you're seeing bugs in the daytime out in the open, that might mean you have an infestation that needs to be dealt with. Here are a few steps a pest control company may take.

Inspect Your Home And Property

An exterminator starts with an inspection to determine what type of bugs you have, what might be attracting them, and how bad the infestation could be. They may look through every room in your house, so it's a good idea to get rid of clutter and tidy up so the exterminator can get a good view of each room.

Since bugs come in from outside, the exterminator will probably look around your foundation for ways bugs get indoors and for things that give bugs places to hide and multiply. Once they have the information they need, they will recommend the best way to eliminate your bug problem.

Apply Liquid Pesticide

When you already have an infestation, the exterminator may apply pesticide inside your house in out-of-the-way places where bugs like to hide. They'll also apply the pesticide around the perimeter of your home to kill bugs that try to get inside. Once your infestation is under control, future preventative treatments if you decide to get them, may only be done outdoors.

A pest control professional has been trained to apply pest treatments safely, and they know the right products to use. You don't have to worry about harming your kids or pets, but if you have concerns, talk about them with the exterminator.

The exterminator may have instructions for keeping pets away from a fresh treatment. They may also have instructions for you to follow before a treatment is applied so it will be more effective. This might include clearing away clutter.

Put Out Bait And Traps

Bait and traps are sometimes used in pest control. Baits are good for insects like ants and termites. They pick up the bait and take it back to the colony so the colony is destroyed. Traps can be used to catch bugs and monitor an infestation. Glue traps are often used that are strong enough to trap spiders, roaches, and other bugs but are not harmful to animals.

Recommend Future Treatments

When you have an infestation, you might need a follow-up treatment to wipe it out completely. Once the infestation is gone, the pest control company might recommend having preventative treatments on a schedule so you don't have to worry about bug problems in the future.

Preventative treatments often include the use of residual pesticides that don't wear off until it's time for another treatment so your home has continual protection from insect pests. 

For more info, contact a local pest control company. 

About Me

Controlling Pets Indoors

Although it might seem easy to keep bugs from infiltrating your home, it is easier said than done. I have always been a stickler for cleanliness, but months ago I realized that there were some serious issues with our house. We started realizing that the paint was bubbling in some places and the floors were exceptionally squeaky, so we started doing a little digging to discover the source of the issue. We realized that we had termites, so we turned to a team for help. They came through, explained the tenting process, and got started. Find out more about pest control on this website.



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