The Dangers Of DIY Wildlife Removal — Why Professional Services Are Essential

Wildlife infestations in homes are a common problem faced by many homeowners — from squirrels and raccoons to snakes and bats, wildlife can cause significant damage to a property and pose a threat to the health and safety of residents. While some homeowners may be tempted to handle the situation on their own, DIY wildlife removal can be extremely dangerous and often ineffective, usually leaving homeowners frustrated and at a loss of how to move forward. 

Here are the dangers of DIY wildlife removal and why professional services are essential.

Physical Harm

Wild animals can be dangerous, and attempting to remove them on your own can put you at risk of physical harm. Animals may become aggressive when cornered or feel threatened, leading to attacks or bites that can cause serious injuries. Additionally, wildlife can carry diseases such as rabies, which can be transmitted to humans through bites and scratches.

Property Damage

Removing wildlife on your own can also lead to property damage. Many animals will try to escape or fight back when they feel threatened, leading to damage to walls, floors, and other structures in the home. This damage can be costly to repair and may require professional assistance.

Ineffective Methods

DIY wildlife removal methods may not be effective, leading to continued infestations and damage. Many animals are adept at hiding or finding new entry points into a home, meaning that removing one animal may not solve the problem entirely. Professional wildlife removal services have the knowledge and equipment to identify and address all issues related to the infestation.

Legal Issues

Some wildlife species are protected by state and federal laws, meaning that attempting to remove them on your own can result in legal consequences. In addition, many localities have specific regulations regarding wildlife removal, and attempting to remove animals without proper permits and licenses can lead to fines and legal trouble. For instance, homeowners in all 50 states are prohibited by the Migratory Bird Treaty Act from removing protected bird species from their chimneys. 

Ethical Considerations

The humane treatment of animals is a vital consideration when it comes to wildlife removal. Many DIY methods are inhumane and can cause unnecessary suffering to animals. Professional wildlife removal services prioritize the safety and well-being of animals, ensuring that they are removed humanely and relocated to safe areas.

Ask your local wildlife removal specialist for more information on having unwanted wildlife removed from your residential property. Reach out to a company that offers residential wildlife removal in your area to learn more.

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Controlling Pets Indoors

Although it might seem easy to keep bugs from infiltrating your home, it is easier said than done. I have always been a stickler for cleanliness, but months ago I realized that there were some serious issues with our house. We started realizing that the paint was bubbling in some places and the floors were exceptionally squeaky, so we started doing a little digging to discover the source of the issue. We realized that we had termites, so we turned to a team for help. They came through, explained the tenting process, and got started. Find out more about pest control on this website.



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